For the best of the 50's 60's and 70's music.
Many locations around the world allow individuals to own
and operate license free low power radio stations.
The Association of Low Power Broadcasters is focused on helping develop broadcasting
skills. This will generate public support of low power broadcasting bringing
radio back to the people.
Be the neighborhood broadcaster. Bring local information and music into your neighbors homes by broadcasting to their AM radios. Your station can be fully automated using a home computer. Your station can have live content. You decide! Recruit neighbors and friends to host programs your listeners want to hear.
License free low power broadcasting can provide professional sounding programming. Programming that your listeners want to hear. It's up to you.
Don't expect to be heard all over town, just your local neighborhood.
The ALPB Resource can answer many of your questions about how to do it.
What's Goin On at The ALPB
Lot's of water under the bridge in the last couple of years. We have shifted from a member oriented organization with meetings and such to simply an information website for the license free low power broadcaster.
We still welcome your input and ideas to help other broadcasters. If you have something for our broadcast community, please contact us. You can simply click on the "CONTACT" button above and send us your input.
We also sponsor "The Micro Broadcasters Community Forum" where broadcasters can engage in conversation regarding license free low power broadcasting.
Yes, after the stormy times, we are still here. The
Original ALPB.
The ALPB © 2013
Last Update - Saturday, 24-Aug-2024 13:54 EST
Recorded and/or streamed audio content herein is the sole responsibility of the original producer and not that of The ALPB.
The ALPB Resource
When the SHTF Plan 333
If or when the GRID goes down, there will be no internet, cellular or most other commercial broadcasting. For that reason, the people are organizing a plan to cope with this loss of communication.
Plan 333 was devised as a way to maintain communication. How's it work? Every 3 hours for 3 minutes monitor channel 3 of any common 2-way radio such as FRS, GMRS, MURS and CB. The refernce time is midnight, local time. So, at 12, 3, 6, and 9 on the clock, tune into Channel 3 on one of these 2-way radio services to monitor and/or pass information.
Amateur (HAM) radio will also be utilized with specific frequencies as Ham radio is not channelized. For example, 146.520 mHz is the national CALL frequency for the 2-meter Ham band.
Part 15 Broadcasters, plan to pass along information to your audience as they may not have access to monitor these 2-way radio services. Broadcast your information immediately after the "monitor" period. Let your audience know to tune in at 12, 3, 6 and 9 to hear the latest information.
For mor information about the SHTF 333 PLAN, click on this link.